Conservation Society Christmas Gathering
As last year admission will include a glass of wine and a locally sourced mince pie or two. We will also have a raffle with donated...
June Garden Party - All Welcome
The Annual Garden Party will be on 30 June, all welcome.
A Successful AGM
First of all thanks to all who assisted with the recent AGM. which I believe went very well. There was a good turn out of around fifty...
Guide to Listed Building Maintenance
Historic England has recently produced A Guide for Owners of Listed Buildings. Its been put together to answer some of the most commonly...
Rye Conservation Society AGM
The AGM of the Rye Conservation Society will be held on 17 May at 11,00 am at Rye Town Hall. The AGM is open to all members and time will...
Happy Christmas to all Members
I wish all members and friends of the Conservation Society a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We held a successful Christmas...
Conservation Society Christmas Gathering
We will soon be in the Christmas season and we are fortunate to be able to hold a Christmas Gathering in the historic Rye Town Hall on...
You are Warmly Welcomed to come along to:
The Rye Conservation Society Annual Garden Party Sunday 30 July 2023 LouisTurpin The Secret Garden oil on canvas Little Orchard House, 3...
2023 Society AGM
The 2023 AGM will be held on 19 May in the Rye Town Hall Council Chamber at 11.00am. We have invited Sally Ann Hart M.P. for Rye &...
Conservation Society Christmas Gathering 9 December in Rye Town Hall 6.00pm
We will soon be in the Christmas season which is the reason for this short Newsletter as we are holding our first Christmas gathering...