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The Rye Neighbourhood Plan


Strategic Objective


To plan a strategic and coherent development of Rye with the aim of improving the economic and social well-being of the community, considering in particular its vulnerability to flooding and its role as a market town, a centre for tourism, leisure and culture; its enterprise and its commercial and fishing port, all in the context of its historic maritime character, which should be conserved.



Latest Position

The Landgate Arch - The Gateway to Rye

The Rye Neighbourhood Plan has completed its public consultation process and has now now gone to the Independent Examiner for his approval. He can make comments and ask questions before giving his approval (or otherwise) to the Plan. So far there have been some queries to which Rother Council and the Rye Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee are  making replies. The RNPSC seem confident that he will approve the RNP at which stage Rye residents will be asked to approve of the Plan in a referendum. At the last Town Council meeting there was cautious optimism that despite the short timescale that this referendum could take place at the same time as the Council elections on 2nd May. This would probably help to boost turnout and save costs of duplication. For the latest information you can check the RNP web site. At that Council meeting Col. Anthony Kimber was praised and thanked for all his efforts to enable the Plan to reach this stage.


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Conservation Society Comments on Version 11, Reg16

The Conservation Society has made the following comments to Version 11 of the Plan which we have mostly found a big improvement on previous versions.

Rye Neighbourhood Plan: Version 11 is out!

19 August:  Version 11 of the Plan is now out.  This will form the basis for “plan submission” for approval by Rye Town Council in early September and then for submission to to Rother District Council. This Version takes accounts of comments from the Rye Conservation Society and others.


Click below for a downloadable copy:



The 16th Century Mint Rye

View of The Mint Rye

The earlier Pre-Submission version of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan went out for consultation for six weeks. 


Click below for a downloadable copy:

Click below to read the RCS final comments dated 6 April 2018 on the Pre-submission Neighburhood Plan submitted to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group at Rye Town Hall.

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