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A Successful AGM

First of all thanks to all who assisted with the recent AGM. which I believe went very well. There was a good turn out of around fifty members and interesting contributions from our two Rother District councillors Simon McCurk and Cheryl Creaser who both suggested that there was a new more constructive relationship between Rother and Rye Town Council and were happy to update us on current planning and other local issues.

The Chairman presents the Award Certificate for the Granary Conversion in Ferry Road

left: Rye Rother Councillor Cheryl Creaser addresses the AGM

It was good to be able to present an Award to Christian Burton and Richard Green partners of BBG Commercial Property Ltd., the developers of the Granary Club at 46 Ferry Road and they were appreciative of the the recognition.

At the AGM, the Committee was elected as follows and I am pleased that we have a full team representing different interests. John Spencer and Julian Luckett both agreed to stay on as Honorary Vice Presidents and they provide s with most valuable expertise as does our Honorary consultant, Alan Dickenson.

The Accounts were approved and the auditor/inspector David Andrews was thanked for efforts and in particular for his expertise in achieving getting our Gift Aid sorted. Not surprisingly he was renominated for the coming year.

The full Committee for 2024/5 is:


David Bookless                              Chairman

Tim Gorman                                   Hon Secretary

Stuart Harland                               Hon Treasurer

Andy Stuart                                    Publicity & Membership

Committee Members/Trustees:

Caroline Everett

Trevor Gooding

Scott Brotherton

Jane Skynner

Luncheon in the Tudor Room

Following the AGM we adjourned to the Mermaid for lunch. It was one of the best of our recent lunches in the Mermaid, our congratulations to the kitchen for providing us an excellent menu at a very reasonable price. It was a bonus for the occasion that one of our early members, Lady Anne Eyre who came down from London with her daughter for the event, was able to contribute a Donald Sinden story from the days when she knew him in Rye. The day brought back many memories for her especially as she met up with neighbours from Watchbell Street at the lunch. We are lucky to have many members who have lived here for a long time, but it is nice when people can return to see us.

Our next event is the Garden Party on 30 June, details to follow.


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