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Rye Conservation Society 500 and Counting

In March the Conservation Society held its 500th Executive Committee meeting which for a small organisation in Rye is quite an achievement. We were unable to mark this occasion with any kind of party since we are still under lockdown restrictions and are meeting using Zoom, however before too long we hope to be able to invite members to the Annual Garden Party.

By clicking on the above link you can read a short illustrated history of the Society from its first meeting almost 50 years ago in 1973. (This has been somewhat revised following comments from members). Allan Thomson is to be commended from having put this together with input from other committee members, he was able to use lockdown time to search through and collate our old records. We hope to be able to store these records in the Sussex archive, The Keep, for posterity.

It is fascinating how many of the same issues, big and small, reappear in different forms. An obvious example is the problem of roads and traffic, which has got worse over time. In the 1980s much time was spent arguing the pros and cons of a by pass round Rye and where to build it. The prospect of a Marina and development of the waterfront is another issue that has not gone away and maybe of most importance the shortage of affordable housing for local people continues to get worse.

We would appreciate any comments....



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